非加拿大居民申请临时税号 ITN

Non-residents of Canada apply for a temporary tax number (ITN)

Non-Canadian residents apply for a tax number ITN. The application method is simple but takes a long time. Please pay attention in advance to apply as soon as possible to avoid delays in important investments or tax returns.

Whether non-residents reside in Canada for more than 183 days or buy or sell real estate in Canada, they are required to register a Canadian Individual Tax Number (ITN). The application for this tax return number is not complicated, but it requires notarization by a Canadian CPA or lawyer before it can be executed, and the application method can only be mailed. The processing time of the tax bureau is also relatively long, at least 2-3 months. Therefore, those in need please do so as soon as possible

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<tc>GST/HST Housing Tax Rebate</tc>