
Trademark registration: We should protect our trademarks like we protect our eyes

The importance of trademark registration to a business is vital. There is a classic saying that describes the importance of a trademark to a company: "We must protect our trademark as we would protect our eyes."

For an enterprise, trademark is the lifeline of its development and directly related to the survival of the enterprise. However, since many people do not pay attention to trademark protection, there have been many tragic cases of trademarks being registered by others and the results of their hard work being stolen.  In fact, there are many tragic cases about trademark registration around us: A vegetarian noodle shop opened in front of a high school, and the business was booming. Due to the demolition of the storefront, it had to move to the door of another college. Because the boss did not realize the importance of trademark registration at first, when she remembered it, the trademark had already opened in other areas under her banner. In the end, the boss could only redefine her name and trademark. If the boss had noticed the timeliness and importance of trademark registration in time, the embarrassing situation of name theft would not have happened. These cases remind us: Everyone should have the awareness of intellectual property protection. Registered trademarks have the right to enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks, to prevent others from using them counterfeitly.

In modern commercial society, the role of trademarks has become increasingly prominent. Only by registering trademarks as early as possible can enterprises enjoy the relevant rights of registered trademarks and safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. Timely registration of trademarks will bring a series of benefits to enterprises. First of all, Article 31 of the Trademark Law stipulates that "if two or more trademark registration applicants apply for registration of the same or similar trademarks for the same or similar goods, the trademark applied for first shall be preliminarily examined and announced; if applied for on the same day, the trademark used first shall be preliminarily examined and announced, and the applications of others shall be rejected and not announced." Trademark registration follows the principle of first-to-file. If an enterprise does not register its trademark in time, the trademark may be preemptively registered by others. Only by registering its trademark in time can an enterprise avoid the registration of its carefully designed trademark or the trademark in which it has invested a lot of resources by others. I sincerely remind everyone that whether you are running a large company or a small shop, or starting your own business in the future, please be sure to register your trademark first.


If you have any business questions, please contact the Golden Key Business Development Center ( ). The Golden Key Business Development Center is a comprehensive, one-stop business service platform for Canadian entrepreneurs/investors/startups, providing a full range of services from company establishment, daily operations, company transformation to closure. At the same time, the center is also committed to the interconnection between enterprises in China and Canada. On the one hand, by providing project product consulting, business investment consulting services and other services, it assists Chinese companies to enter the Canadian market; on the other hand, it helps interested Canadian companies enter the booming Chinese market.

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