小家庭买投资房, 这个房子是买在谁名下比较好?一个人, 两个人, 你还是我?

When a small family buys an investment house, in whose name is it better to buy the house? One person, two people, you or me?

Any investment involves risks. When considering saving money and taxes, don’t forget investment risks

Whether it is better to buy an investment property under an individual’s name or a company’s name is a relatively complex investment decision. Since it is an investment, there are risks, and investment returns and risks are often normally distributed. Due to space reasons, the video we made today only explains the pros and cons of placing a small amount of investment property in your own name. Next time we will talk about why big real estate investors still like to use companies to invest, even though they know that using companies to invest will increase the tax burden, and they often purchase real estate in a three-tier company structure.

In fact, when investing in real estate, everyone has different ideas and methods, so what I say here only represents my personal opinion and is not a standard. Regarding the tax advantages of buying investment properties in your own name, it is very clear. It is simple and easy to operate. When filing taxes, you only need to include the investment income into your personal income and pay taxes together. Of course, when filing taxes, you need What you need to pay attention to is how to correctly fill in the tax form for investment properties. For this aspect, you can watch the relevant video we made.

When a small family buys an investment house, in whose name is it better to buy the house? One person, two people, you or me? All investments involve risks. When considering saving money and taxes, don’t forget investment risks

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