
第 1 课:设置 QuickBooks 和应付账款

1. 设置您的 QuickBooks® 文件,“会计科目表”

2. 设置新供应商

3. 为经常性费用设置供应商跟踪

4. 进入信用卡转换

5. 创建新账单并记录账单付款的收据

6. 创建采购订单和接收报告

7. 使用 PO 快速匹配并输入相应的供应商账单

8. 跟踪账龄应付账款报告

第 2 课:应收帐款—销售税、产品/服务、类别、附件

1. 设置新客户端

2. 设置 QuickBooks® 以自动编写和发送电子邮件给客户

3. 为销售的产品和服务创建新的和跟踪未结发票

4. 自定义发票和估算

5. 创建“产品类别”

6. 使用“项目”和“类”功能对项目进行分类

7. 将文件附加到交易以更好地保存记录

8. 输入每日/每周销售摘要

9. 记录退款和贷记客户

10. 为客户创建评估/建议/注释

11. 由单个客户创建出色的报表

第 3 课: 工资单

1. 在 QuickBooks 中设置和添加薪资管理

2. 添加新员工的快捷方式

3. 支付不同薪水、纳税义务和福利的员工

4. 按不同的时间表记录工资税和应税福利

5. 设置增加、扣除和津贴。

6. 了解安大略省假期工资和假期工资等

7. 使用 QuickBooks 准备工资税表、T4 和 ROE

第 4 课: 银行与对账

1. 更容易平衡和协调银行账户的提示

2. 记录银行存款

3. 核对银行与输入的支票

4. 使用 QuickBooks 打印支票

5. 记录账户之间的转账

6. QuickBooks® 报告中心概述和报告指南

7. 了解损益表和资产负债表

8. 使用和自定义损益表和资产负债表报告

9. 使用快速自定义功能评估公司的状态和预算绩效

10. 自动填充自定义报告

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QUICKBOOKS one-on-one training

QUICKBOOKS one-on-one training

Number of people: Only One person per lesson
Duration: 5 Hours (2 lectures in total, 2 hrs in length each + 1hr Q&As)

We offer two levels of courses:

Entry level (for users without QuickBooks experience): $375+tax

The course content is unified QUICKBOOKSbasic software operation knowledge. If students have any questions during the course, we will answer them one by one.

Intermediate (users who need to improve QuickBooks skills): $500+tax

The content of the course is QUICKBOOKSAdvanced software operation knowledge. This course is highly customized. We will develop corresponding courses according to the topics that students want to learn in order to improve students' technical skills as quickly as possible.

Training Topics

According to different personal situations, focus on explaining personal weak links and unclear parts; combine theory with practice and explain with actual cases to deepen the understanding of training users and improve their proficiency.

    ***About course time: After payment, you will receive an email containing a link to the appointment time. Please reserve a time via the email link. ***

    We currently only offer class time selection after placing an order, which needs to be confirmed at least 1 working day in advance. If your time schedule is tight, please place your order with caution.

    regular price $375.00
    regular price Sale price $375.00
    discount price sold out

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